About Me:

There is a line that will link our lives..FROM ME TO YOU..

I ‘Ike to connect my mind to my body. I love to see true colors of people around me, do not like dishonesty…
My background is in counselling and psychotherapy, social work and arts, tourism marketing and tour guiding.
I am fueled by passion to understand cross-culture diversity, custom and language.

I consider myself as a “forever student,” eager to build on my academic foundation in the field and stay tuned to the outside complexity of the world. When I start with something I cannot stop myself until I complete the program or study, as I am eager to know more.
My passion is to help to others and determined in which ways I could help.

I believe that mindfulness and patience are the keys to the success. I love stretching exercises, long walks, music, literature and poetry.

I enjoy drawing and painting either with pencil, charcoal, or acrylic. In my spare time I write poems, poetry and stories. I used to work as a freelance radio announcer and journalist. I would like to pursue those dreams again and make them reality while I travel around the globe and write about it..

My idea is to provide you with help, offering counselling – healing process, healthy diet suggestions and links to my traveling experiences. It could be two ways of communication and even exercising together we could achieve the best goal that we deserve …

You can upload a photo as well if you like. Or just talk about what makes you awesome. It’s all up to you.