
Looking through the window the world seems small and hidden,

Even your wooden horse does not fit you any more,

You scold the horse for not eating offered food,

You lost yourself, turn love into lust..

The little city changed demographics,

Too many secrets had been left unnoticed…

Sometimes we need to adapt to new a phase of life

Leaving past stories and secrets behind..

Grab me a chair,

Take me far away,

You do not need to worry

They still do not know even my name.

You look at the window strangely

You look through and there is nothing to be seen

You have to admit some stories are unpleasant 

There is no rhyme that could go with it.

You provoked the world, you did not see the pain

You did not see it all, forget what I said,

I don’t want to have a fight with you,

I just want to move on..

Is it not true that life is making stories of its own?

You have to believe you are not blind

Just leave the house and explore the world

Do not faint, do not stop, call me, and I will follow..