
Friends ..
Friends, like birds, come close to you, and land near by, make their nest, stir up the transience and some leave ... fly away ... or move away. Others will stay..I watch the two seagulls up above standing against each other. They call out, cry and knock on their beaks. First they are so close and together, and then with cries they separate and go each to its own side. So proud, beautiful and demanding, friends are like birds. Someone from the side throws crumbs of food at them .. they all stir, push, boil, defending their position, looking for their piece of food ..
Birds could be as smart and as cruel as they prepare to be. It all comes to desire to eat food, in all their excitement they fly low, circling around as they target where it is most convenient to land. Some seagulls are without any plan, they just collapse on pieces of food and fly high, ignoring others.
People, friends ... can be so much like these seagulls when they are looking for their fears. When they are in panic they do not pay attention to others. Each of us has that kind of screw that drives us to make some decisions, when a crisis strikes some people simply separate. In some, this animal instinct awakens, with others get it comes to that point that the desire overtakes and leads you in a way how to protect your own interest.
A friend is one who knows you even in the most difficult and sad moments and is there with you all over again. True friend would never go above you, will not gain from your pain, will not take everything for granted, but would by your side when and even when you do not need any kind of support. The difference could be find in the friendship that they present to the world and to you. As when someone is trying to be above you, and when someone is next to you it is not the same. When someone is next you through your journey you could save the word that your friend is not just taking an empty place, but it is a person with a true interest. The person who cares about you, about your day, the person who does not want to tear you apart but make good memories with you, to cherish and stay.
True is that some people learn to feed self by watching other people fall and staying low ... Different characters, different perceptions force us to take drastic measures. Time passes us in determining what is needed by whom.
True friends will understand your pain, your worries, and would share their stories..
They will visit you to collect memories, to remain close, to support and clean that tear that is running away from your nose...