More sinje

O more sinje…

O tebi se pjevale pjesme godinama i decenijama,

Utapkano si u scenarije i filmove,

Ladje i brodovi se nasukali..

I Titanik je podlegao tvome caru
i nazalost potonuo..
Bilo si i okrutno, nemilosrdnoI mirno, dobrocudno
neke zivote si i spasio..Nekima si lekciju podjelio..

Da budu spremni kad na put krenu..

Jos uvijek hladis, slavis i zboris

Jezikom duse..

Zoves, millujes kad hoces da se odmoris.

Pulsiras u danu ritmikom srca

Gdje su ti vode prozirno ciste,

njeznosti odane,

Ako u buru nisu zasle I oluju zaobisle..

Tvoji valovi su nevini i snazni,

odani tebi..A ti ih lomis

dok se trudis da pridjes obali..

A setac, zastao na obali,

posmatra to vjecito natezanje valova

i njegovih struja, kad uzdahne a ocean odgovori svojom melodijom
i tada priroda se sva u sebe uvuce..Hoda us njega ne dodirujuci,

A on ipak stopala smoci klicuci.. Povlaci se more u svoje korito,

Ostavljajuci bijeli trag,, slani okus u ustima

I beskrajno plavetnilo u ocima. .I ti sto posmatras sa strane te promjene,

kad udahnes zrnce te ljepote,

I u tebi, sva se cula stope, pleses, pjevas, dises
i sretan uzdises, siguran sto si pronasao srodnost sa nesvakidasnjom nemirnom ljepotom, koja vjekovima prekriva stijene,

vukuci svoj tovar oko svijeta, bijesni doticuci grebene ..

Cesto se pitam sto bi meni znacillo more, ocean rijeka ili voda..

Da se pored rijeke nisam rodila..? Kako i koliko ga osjecam u svojim venama.,

Znam da smo povezani jos od krstaskih ratova..
Jos od vikinga i njihovih krstarenja,

Jos od ameba i njihovog postanka..

Stopila se vanzemaljska snaga s njegovim virom,

Smirila se oluja u njegovom zagrljaju..

Putujes po njenoj povrsini, dok odmaras oci na horizontu..

Vjerna svom zivotu, slobodi i prostranstvu..

Budi i ti more i reci da te njegova struja ne budi
i povlaci..
Ako je ne mozes osjetiti..
Ja ti smirenje ne mogu pokloniti….

Perfect day to release your negative energy away,
perfect day to embrace light
and to move worries away…

The blue sea ..

About the blue ocean

Songs have been sung for years,

for decades you were immersed in screenplays and movies,

Ships and yachts run aground,
I Titanik succumbed to your emperor and unfortunately sank ..

You were also cruel, ruthless and calm,


You saved some lives ..

You shared a lesson with some ..

teach them how to be ready when they set off ..

You’re still chilling, celebrating and talking

In the language of the soul your name is celebrated,,

you cuddling others when you want to rest.
You pulsate in the day with the rhythm of the heart

Your waters are transparently clean, I could find a loyalty stays well with tenderness,

If they didn’t fall into the storm they would bypassed it.

Your waves are innocent and strong loyal to you ..
And you break them while you try to reach the shore ..

A walker, paused on the shore observing

this eternal stretching of the waves and Its currents ..

When he sighs and the ocean it’s responds with its melody,

And then nature is all absorbed in itself ..
stranger walks into it without touching it

And yet he sucks his feet by cheering ..

The sea recedes into its bed,

Leaving a white mark,

Salty taste in the mouth And endless blue in the eyes ..

And you are watching from the side
Those changes

When you inhale the grains of that beauty

You have heard all footsteps,

you dance, sing, and overly present happiness,

I’m sure you’ve found a kinship with the unusually restless beauty

Which has been covered with rocks for centuries

When you start your journey you know that your bag is full of worries,

your load will stay with you while you are traveling around .

are you becoming furious from touching the ridge ..
in my mind pops the question,

and I often wonder what the sea, ocean, river or water would mean to me?!
If I wasn’t born by the river …?
How and how much I feel it in my veins?
I know we’re connected ever since the Crusades ..
Ever since the Vikings and their cruises,

Ever since the amoeba and their origin ..

The alien force merged with his vortex,

The storm in his embrace has subsided.
You travel on its surface

As you rest your eyes on the horizon ..

you are faithful to the life, freedom and space ..

Be the sea and say
that its current

does not wake you

and pull you away.
If you can’t feel it ..
I can’t calm you…

no way!!!