Uzburkanih Jos uvijek stoji visoko Ponosno cuva svoje korijene!
Skrivene u srcu
Negdje duboko dolje Gdje rijec ne dolazi lako
A ljepotu njenu prepoznaje svatko..
A Hidden Cottage .. A litlle cottage hidden from a view, Hidden from people, Hidden from pain, Hidden from grief, Hidden in the woods, inaudibly hidden, From sounds, From traces, From cursing, Out of jealousy, From time to time, From unrest, From the turbulent words, It still stands high, Alone and proud, Preserving its roots, Hidden in the heart of soul, Somewhere deep down, Where the word does not come easily, But her beauty stands on its own, recognized by everyone, tales a tale of own.
The heart is where the family is, the house is where family is, gathered together, captured by sunlight, happy, sad, annoyed, frustrated, and comfortable and successful surrounded by familiar faces of people that they know, pulling the life itself from the smile of their souls…
You swallow your pride you hide your tears, If we are too gentle, sensitive and caring
We are nothing..! We will be lost! In the moment time will pass!
Behind us..
Roses will lose own smell
Rain will be a teardrop away,
What could you do?!
What could you say?
Turn around and face a true life..
As well hear the music When I close my eyes My feelings are travelling Through the deepest tunnels, Having some secrets of its own..
I am getting up!
Stronger and fearless
I am a women Who will be as well made of steel As the steel is needed in order to survive, The madness around…
DO NOT DARE.. Do not dare to say that I am less important because I do not fall into your cup of tea, because I am aware of who am I, because I am free.. Do not dare to say that you have all power over me and over the world, because it would be completely incorrect and wrong.. Do not dare to say that your truth is mine as well, do not put me in the group of people, whose mind is narrow and closed, some of them live their life in the closet full of unnecessary staff… Do not dare to stop me from flying, from opening my wings, exploring west and east.. north and south is a good treat journey is ready to be discovered, life is not a myth you are well aware how deeply I believe how independent, open I could be… Yes, I am a storm when I need to be, I am a warrior when there is a need, I am gentle, passion and caring.. I am a woman.. there is no need for your story telling…
I skidamo naporan dan sa nasih obraza Pokretom rucnika?
Na rucniku ostane sva prljavstina dana,
A u nama i na nama cista, svijetlla oprana tijela.
Kako bi bilo pjevati na sav glasIz petnih zila..
Da sva stakla popucaju od naseg unutrasnjeg poriva,
A mi da se budimo olaksani
Bez tereta, bez tovara sto nas gura,
Da se odmaramo i onda kad nam nije do odmora?!
Kako bi bilo da su sva jutra provucena
I destlirana kao voda koju cijedimo iz dana u dan?
Sigurni da smo skinuli paucinu iz nasih zivota
onako kao sto se skine prljavstina..
Sve u jednom pokretu.
Snagom ratnika!
Voljom junaka!
Majcinskom ljubavi..!
Kako bi bilo da se i ti probudis u zagrljaju
U ramenu svog junaka bez paucine u ocima..
Ovako kao ja?
Kako bi bilo,
Bi li prepoznala da je to ljubav
Ili bi joj trazila opravdanja?
Kako bi bilo da zagrlis sebe,
Utones u sopstveni mir..
Obuhvatis se rukama u zagrljaj,
Zadrmas svemir..?!
Osjetila bi buru o kojoj ti pricam,
Osjetila bi dodir vjecan,
Istopila bi se u njegovom zagrljaju.
Isto kao i ja..! Samo kad bi skinula,
Tu paucinu s ociju sad..
you could not see clear sky if you do not open your eyes, you could not see the blue sky if a web is covering you eyes… Take the web off your eyes, open your sky enjoy purity and innocence of the blue sky…
Running away, running with my bare foot, Experiencing sand, dawn and sunset… Extending my hands trying to reach high.. making a wish and catching a cloud. One day it seems impossible to catch the cloud, the next day the cloud appears to be down, smiles to me like it is my friend..
I Titanik je podlegao tvome caru i nazalost potonuo.. Bilo si i okrutno, nemilosrdnoI mirno, dobrocudno neke zivote si i spasio..Nekima si lekciju podjelio..
Da budu spremni kad na put krenu..
Jos uvijek hladis, slavis i zboris
Jezikom duse..
Zoves, millujes kad hoces da se odmoris.
Pulsiras u danu ritmikom srca
Gdje su ti vode prozirno ciste,
njeznosti odane,
Ako u buru nisu zasle I oluju zaobisle..
Tvoji valovi su nevini i snazni,
odani tebi..A ti ih lomis
dok se trudis da pridjes obali..
A setac, zastao na obali,
posmatra to vjecito natezanje valova
i njegovih struja, kad uzdahne a ocean odgovori svojom melodijom i tada priroda se sva u sebe uvuce..Hoda us njega ne dodirujuci,
A on ipak stopala smoci klicuci.. Povlaci se more u svoje korito,
Ostavljajuci bijeli trag,, slani okus u ustima
I beskrajno plavetnilo u ocima. .I ti sto posmatras sa strane te promjene,
kad udahnes zrnce te ljepote,
I u tebi, sva se cula stope, pleses, pjevas, dises i sretan uzdises, siguran sto si pronasao srodnost sa nesvakidasnjom nemirnom ljepotom, koja vjekovima prekriva stijene,
vukuci svoj tovar oko svijeta, bijesni doticuci grebene ..
Cesto se pitam sto bi meni znacillo more, ocean rijeka ili voda..
Da se pored rijeke nisam rodila..? Kako i koliko ga osjecam u svojim venama.,
Znam da smo povezani jos od krstaskih ratova.. Jos od vikinga i njihovih krstarenja,
Jos od ameba i njihovog postanka..
Stopila se vanzemaljska snaga s njegovim virom,
Smirila se oluja u njegovom zagrljaju..
Putujes po njenoj povrsini, dok odmaras oci na horizontu..
Vjerna svom zivotu, slobodi i prostranstvu..
Budi i ti more i reci da te njegova struja ne budi i povlaci.. Ako je ne mozes osjetiti.. Ja ti smirenje ne mogu pokloniti….
Perfect day to release your negative energy away, perfect day to embrace light and to move worries away…
The blue sea ..
About the blue ocean
Songs have been sung for years,
for decades you were immersed in screenplays and movies,
Ships and yachts run aground, I Titanik succumbed to your emperor and unfortunately sank ..
You were also cruel, ruthless and calm,
You saved some lives ..
You shared a lesson with some ..
teach them how to be ready when they set off ..
You’re still chilling, celebrating and talking
In the language of the soul your name is celebrated,,
you cuddling others when you want to rest. You pulsate in the day with the rhythm of the heart
Your waters are transparently clean, I could find a loyalty stays well with tenderness,
If they didn’t fall into the storm they would bypassed it.
Your waves are innocent and strong loyal to you .. And you break them while you try to reach the shore ..
A walker, paused on the shore observing
this eternal stretching of the waves and Its currents ..
When he sighs and the ocean it’s responds with its melody,
And then nature is all absorbed in itself .. stranger walks into it without touching it
And yet he sucks his feet by cheering ..
The sea recedes into its bed,
Leaving a white mark,
Salty taste in the mouth And endless blue in the eyes ..
And you are watching from the side Those changes
When you inhale the grains of that beauty
You have heard all footsteps,
you dance, sing, and overly present happiness,
I’m sure you’ve found a kinship with the unusually restless beauty
Which has been covered with rocks for centuries
When you start your journey you know that your bag is full of worries,
your load will stay with you while you are traveling around .
are you becoming furious from touching the ridge .. in my mind pops the question,
and I often wonder what the sea, ocean, river or water would mean to me?! If I wasn’t born by the river …? How and how much I feel it in my veins? I know we’re connected ever since the Crusades .. Ever since the Vikings and their cruises,
Ever since the amoeba and their origin ..
The alien force merged with his vortex,
The storm in his embrace has subsided. You travel on its surface
As you rest your eyes on the horizon ..
you are faithful to the life, freedom and space ..
Be the sea and say that its current
does not wake you
and pull you away. If you can’t feel it .. I can’t calm you…
Having a sun glasses will not fully block the light, the experience will give you a beautiful view through glass well protecting your eyes. You should go through life feeling safe and protected.. and still being able to experience all fruits of life… Stay well.. Stay connected..
Prazna casa na mom stolu, voda je izlapila iz nje ni snage ni volje.. Da ustanem i dosipam..Cudim se sto me uhvati melankonlija..
A znam biti ce bolje..Kisno jutro vjetrom zarobljeno, pokvasilo je moje prozore, ja sa druge strane mog prozora, iz tople sobe posmatram joj mokre tragove. Na trenutak dusa mi pozeljela,
Da mi kisa lice okupa, dok sam joj nogu pruzila. .Ona me svojim pljuskom poprska od glave do pete..I sva sam mokra..Svaki pokret je ostao prikriven! Necujan u noci sto samo pljuskom razbija tisinu. Prici cu joj ipak malo,
jos mi je do dodira sa kisom stalo. Na rubovima plocnika svijetla grada su zaspala. Kotrljaju se zalutala stopala, prsti kapljica po vjernim grancicama, Okupanog kisom drveca. Smijem se i pitam vjetar,
Dok se nad gradom nadvila tama, u tisini moje verande,
Je li mi prijeti veceras?
Ili mi se sveti, sto uz kisni ritam, ja jos o ljubavi razmisljam..
Kindness would never fail, one has to respect that.. It would be important to learn how to listen rain.. one has to listen the music of drops, watching how those drops falling down on my window, every one takes different way, you stand and watch when they take rivers of the rain, the rain fears the music and who still cares that they are leaving the marks of drops.. Be invisible, be there, be invisible to the rain …
Zasto kriviti Boga? Ako je covjek i svjedok, sudac i krvnik
Ako je covjek odlucio
Nacin na koji ce da zivi?!
Bog nikom niti je oduzeo, niti zabranio
Da radi po volji..On od nas ocekuje da se trudimo..
Nadjemo snage biti bolji.
Nije ni vazno kako cemo Boga zvati, koji cemo mu nadimak dati,
on isitm jezikom prica sa svim nacijama i religijama,
koje su se uvukle u covjecanstvo, od dana naseg postanka..
Pa od nas samih traze razlike..I uce nas voliti pogresno.
Zasto kriviti Boga?
Pa nije on zamolio, ni pokrenuo, niti odobrio ratovima da se vode..
On je sjeme srece posadio, lijepu rijec i dah svima jednako podario,
Prvi uzdah poklonio.. A covjek se nasao uvrjedjen pa tjera po svome…
I nadje snage da okrivi Boga za svoje greske i padove.. Nije Bog taj sto pravi razlike u nama. Niti je on tu, da nam nam volju oduzima i slama..
Nije Bog sudac nas, niti neprijatelj, on je tu ako zelimo da nas izbavi iz zla i ruku mu pruzimo. Za Boga mi smo svi djeca ista,on nas voli sve jednako..
Pa to bi bilo kao da pitate majku, koje cedo bi izabralo, a koje ostavilo..Majka voli i ono dijete sto je pogrijesilo, i ono dijete sto ju je obradovalo.. Ako u svojoj dusi je cista..
Za ljubav majcinu sva njena djeca su ista,
U njenom zagrljaju mjesta uvijek ima i njezne rijeci, i toplog pogleda u njenim ocima. Tako je i na nebeskom svodu, Bog u svojoj basti i srcu ima mjesta za sve. Na nama je da odlucimo kako i gdje idemo,
s kakvim pogledom obuhvacamo svijet..
Do not let anyone to stop you, the stairs are there for a reason…when you want to climb up to see the stairs, you search… you became a searcher, you walk and became a walker as climbing up you will reach you stars…
Why we accuse God of guilt?
Why blame God?
A man is a witness, a judge and an executioner.
The man decided the way he will live,
God neither took away
nor forbade anyone to live as per own will..
He expects us to try,
to find the strength to be better.
It doesn't matter what we call God,
it does not matter
under which nickname he is around.
He speaks the same language
with all the nations and religions...
that they have crept into humanity,
from the first day of our existence..
They initiated differences ..
And they teach us how not to love each other,
or love wrongly.
Why do we blame God?
Well, he didn't ask,
did not start,
nor approved of wars to be fought ..
He planted the seed of happiness,
he shared sweat word
and equally gave a gift of a first breath,
The man found himself offended
so he pushes on his own ...
And yet,
he found the strength to blame God
for own mistakes and failures ..
It is not God who makes us different,
nor is he here,
to take away our will, fights,
hopes and straw ..
God is not our judge,
nor our enemy ...
He's here if we want
and need to be free from evil
and give us a hand and hope,
if we need support
and to be taken care off.
God sees us all as his children
for him we are the same.
He loves us all equally ..
no question there.
If you are questioning his love,
it would be as if you are asking a mother
which child she would pick
and or leave
to face uncertainty and fear..
The mother also loves her children equally,
she loves the same
the child who made a mistake
and the child that provides her with happiness..
If the mother has a pure soul ..
She loves all her children the same,
providing them with a support,
with a shoulder to cry,
gentle words and a soft touch.
They could always find
a soft and warm look in her eyes..
So it is the same
above in the firmament,
God shares his love
and has a space in his garden.
In his heart there is room for everyone
at the end,
it is up to us to decide how,
why and where we would go to start
the new world and
start to care..