Stojis sam, ogoljen, Pocijepan U dronjcima Zguren.. Zabio glavu u pijesak.. Je li tako lakse pitas se, Dok gomila oko tebe dize ruke uvis Gazi te sa osmjehom Gurajuci te u beznadje svojim stopalima.. Sve dublje i dublje.. Ne pomaze ni sto se okreces prema suncu Ni sto ispijas kapljice kise Ne pomaze Nozevi i ekseri zabijaju se sve vise i vise.. Crvena tinta sve prekriva A cinican osmijeh probija Jutarnju maglu. Obrazi zguljeni Ruke otezale od teskog rada Kome da se klanjas Kome da sapuces A kome da se sklanjas Dok znas kako u zivotu svaka traka, svaka rijec i pokret.. moze da bude necija kopija Prisvojen i otudjen Nalik na orginal.. Al je ipak kopija.. Tvoj zivot je tvoja robija Tvoji snovi Tvoj odmor.. A ljubav izgurana iz svog gnijezda Jos je ipak carolija..
The day only started, and you feel to put your head down, to go deep into sand, to cover your face.. You feel you need to hide.. You want to hide your emotions, your mistakes, your life… The sand is burning down not just your toes, not your hands, not your face but your shadow as well. You scream.. you yell, you call for help. When you look up you see yourself standing high and straight you see the inner power you see a light you are sure that your shadow will not go away and burn as long as you manage to stay above the ground facing the complexity of life believing in yourself!.. shadow will remain, and you will get strength and power to face another day!
“Life as it is, it is about to have another day.. have another chance to come to your way!!!“
Uronila sam u samo jezgro Oceana, u njegov vrtlog. U njegov pocetak,
Tamo gdje se spaja s nebom .. tamo gdje pocinje horizont.. Nisam te pronasla!
Produbila sam stazu u pijesku, Zaglibila koljena.. spustila se sve do grla.. vidjela sam kako se tijelo neda i bori..
Dok ga pijesak obavija.. Crna rupa je postojala sve veca i ljuca.. Pustila sam je nek’ guta, Dok sam se iz nje polako izvlacila..
Ruke su mi ostale zamrljane pjescanim vlaknima..Nisam te pronasla! Uskocila sam u utrobu zemlje. Napila se njenih sokova, pocupala joj korijene, pratila tragove davno zaboravljene.. Nisam te pronasla! Gdje si?
Gdje si se skrio maleni covjece, U sto si se pretvorio? Je si li ptica ili riba postao?! Dozvoljavas vjetru da te nosi,
pijesku da te gusi.. zemlji da te svojim korijenom zarobi..
Gdje si?
Jeci planina od moje jeke,
Echo mi se vraca skidajuci mrenu sa ociju.
Gdje si covjece? Vrati se na stazu zivota. Jos nade ima, Jos sunce sja,
Dok more zapljuskuje prirodnim valovima.. Jos smo tvoja djeca.. I priroda i ja..
Zamolila sam vjetar i sunce da ti prate trag..
Posalju smirenje, dovedu unutrasnji raj..
Once you start walking it is easy to move forward. Do not be afraid of your walk, with every step you became stronger, wiser and more experienced.. Take another step,…follow your heart and your destiny will reach you there…
I feel that I was present a long time ago, so young, innocent and free,
I was running through the water, swimming in the lake, climbing a tree
not looking for a perfect day, but found one anyway..
I always wake up with the same dream,
where nothing seems impossible to be,
where doing some good will not make you always good
where being a mortal with a purpose let you to choose your star and move far through the forest,
I always wake up with the same dream as I was
climbing a tree, and swimming in the lake, then flying up high in the sky..
life could come in many ways is important to know.. I know I have been here before, I can feel the sky,
ocean and other life..
I do care how things will turn out. I feel I know how to care..for self as well as for others..
Flying up an above..being a bird smelling the sky, it makes me wonder where I would like to go.. where I can go…, so that I am still here and far..My guts are telling me that storm is coming, no reason to question self, but prepare your thoughts so you would not fade away just in case..
Zagrni plast veceras kad svijet krene u seobe, na svakom ulazu stoji strazar i broji tvoje plodove…Crvenilo je prekrilo sunce sakrivsi mu sjaj, izgubivsi sjaj i ono je nestalo u provaliji.. lice ljudsko je pobijelilo, na licu ljudskom zaledio se ocaj…Kad dodjes na ispovijed i stanes pred carobna vrata raja
sjeti su tko si bio, gdje si svoj korijen posadio, sjeti se da ce trag izblijediti sa vremenom ako nisi posadio cvijet na zemlji kojoj si boravio.
Zivot je nepresusen izvor, hladna rijeka sto brza prema tom izvoru kao da je netko ceka. Starica se napila sa izvora i probudila svjetlost, rastjerala mrak. Sanjala je starica, usnula da ce doci novi dan, kad ce grubost izblijediti, kad ce ljudskost nadvladati i postenje pobijediti. A zivot se nastavio kotrljati niz nizine, zivot kao zguzvan papir, u nepravilnom obliku..strsio iz kotline..
kao dijete kad se naljuti kad mu se igranje zabrani, pa ostavi svoje kockice po strani… Odlaze ljudi, odlaze oblaci, odlaze brodovi, u sumi zivotinje kriju svoj plijen…naviknut na tudje uspjehe..postajes zprepasten i slijep za radjanja novih poredaka. Postajes gluv i nijem…dok pozornicu kazalista zauzimaju gospodske vijesti vukuci svoje maske na visoki trijem. Rodjen si da se radujes, da stvaras, dijelis i brines..rodjen si da bi ostavio trag…Uhvati to dijete us sebi, pronadji sjeme dok se kotrljaju nova jutra i posadi ga na proplanku veceras…Nemoj dozvoliti mirisu i ljepoti visibabe sto se radja kad zima odgalopira svoju stopu da ti zaslijepi pogled…Radjaju se nova jutra i sad i jucer i radjat ce se zauvijek…samo ako im ostavimo…i poklonimo to sjeme…
When you came to the top it is easy to see what is happening around, it is easy to see people who are walking down, their struggles and their pain. It is easy to see who will offer you a hand, and who will pass you like you do not exist, and who does not care. You are strong, you have the power in you, you are the power…,do not stop your walk if they all stop, you have a flower in your hand.. you could brighten a day. You have sun in your hands, you can see that sun is smiling, flower is blossoming ….just continue to be you and continue your walk..the right things will happen to you!
Do not give me that look not stare.. I will move away easy from you, you do not need to stare…
The look is made of a steel, it is strong and innocent,
pure and clear…Do not give me that look as my body will tremble becoming weak but resistant.. wishing to transfer to another planet.. Do not give me that look I deserve better from you.. ..I deserve trust, loyalty and care…
So do not give me that look, I am praying for you today…..Do not give me that look, I am pleading as if you care…Do not give me that look any longer.. or …if you still want to stare..
I will simply move away…
Magican pogled…
Nemoj me gledati tako, ispod oka provjeravati..tim ocima.. Ne bulji..
Ako treba ja cu se pomjeriti…otici cu dalje….Ne trebas me pratiti tim pogledom.
Tvoj pogled je celican, nevin i otporan, bistar i cist…Ne gledaj me tako, citavo tijelo mi se trese od unutarnjeg nesporazuma, postaje slabo ali je jos uvijek otporno, spremno se presliti na drugi planet..i moze se suporstaviti razlicitim pogledima. Ne gledaj me tako, ja zasluzujem bolje od tebe..zasluzujem postovanje, iskrenost, cuvanje i podrsku..
Zato nemoj me pratiti tim pogledom, u mojim molitvama si..Nemoj me pratiti tim pogledom, Ne bulji.. molim te….ako ti je stalo da znas sto osjecam….Nemoj me gledati vise tako..ako jos uvijek imas zelju da me iritiras.. ja cu se pomjeriti i otici sto mogu dalje od tebe…
The look is so powerful, as it could transfer our feelings to our eyes. Our eyes are the mirror of our soul. It is important to know self, and how we project our feelings through own eyes..Many words became unimportant if our look is not matching our feelings.. Speak from your soul, be brave.. and you will achieve the highest star on this planet..
Pogled je magican i mocan, jer moze da prenese ono sto osjecamo. Oci su ogledalo duse. Sve, svi ti se osjecaji ponekad vide u nasim ocima. Vazno je poznavati sebe, znati sto nase oci izrazavaju, kako se izrazavaju, poznavati kako mi prenosimo te nase slike na vanjski svijet. Same rijeci postanu nevazne ako se ne slazu sa sjajem u nasim ocima. Zato budi hrabar i govori ocima, jer govoris iz duse.. Jedino tako ces uspijeti zgrabiti te zvijezde sto svijetle s neba na tebe..
Friends ..
Friends, like birds, come close to you, and land near by, make their nest, stir up the transience and some leave ... fly away ... or move away. Others will stay..I watch the two seagulls up above standing against each other. They call out, cry and knock on their beaks. First they are so close and together, and then with cries they separate and go each to its own side. So proud, beautiful and demanding, friends are like birds. Someone from the side throws crumbs of food at them .. they all stir, push, boil, defending their position, looking for their piece of food ..
Birds could be as smart and as cruel as they prepare to be. It all comes to desire to eat food, in all their excitement they fly low, circling around as they target where it is most convenient to land. Some seagulls are without any plan, they just collapse on pieces of food and fly high, ignoring others.
People, friends ... can be so much like these seagulls when they are looking for their fears. When they are in panic they do not pay attention to others. Each of us has that kind of screw that drives us to make some decisions, when a crisis strikes some people simply separate. In some, this animal instinct awakens, with others get it comes to that point that the desire overtakes and leads you in a way how to protect your own interest.
A friend is one who knows you even in the most difficult and sad moments and is there with you all over again. True friend would never go above you, will not gain from your pain, will not take everything for granted, but would by your side when and even when you do not need any kind of support. The difference could be find in the friendship that they present to the world and to you. As when someone is trying to be above you, and when someone is next to you it is not the same. When someone is next you through your journey you could save the word that your friend is not just taking an empty place, but it is a person with a true interest. The person who cares about you, about your day, the person who does not want to tear you apart but make good memories with you, to cherish and stay.
True is that some people learn to feed self by watching other people fall and staying low ... Different characters, different perceptions force us to take drastic measures. Time passes us in determining what is needed by whom.
True friends will understand your pain, your worries, and would share their stories..
They will visit you to collect memories, to remain close, to support and clean that tear that is running away from your nose...
Usao si u moj san stranac sa zamagljenim prodornim pogledom,
pogledom skrivenih ispod naocala neobicnog oblika.
Usporenog koraka,neobicnih sposobnosti,
pomjerajuci balone zivota udahnuvsi im svijetlost,
A pustos je ostala gdje si prosao omotana u ljubicasti plast. Spavao je mirno stari grad, i ja sam spavala..slusajuci odrone kamenja, slusajuci zvuk valova, klackanje i skripanje, susjedovu prepirku u jutarnje sate..
Spavala sam na strani svog jastuka..doticuci rusevine zatrpane nezeljenim sitnicama.slusajuci jeku sopstvenog srca. U ocima sam nazirala mjesecinu, brda, sume, planine i jezera..
Plovila sam jezerima izbjegavajuci opasnost,sto je vrebala skrivena iza tvog zamagljenog pogleda..
Zatvorenih ociju vidjela sam tvoj lik, letjela sam svemirom a on je licio na komad od zemlje svaka stopa mi se lijepila za njene korijene, svaki pramen kose je zapeo za grmlje i ustinio grebene..
svaku pukotinu sam poznavala.
.letjela sam i nisam vjerovala da je san ispunio prazninu..koju sam osjecala kad sam se snena probudila.
Sto si me posjetio u mojim snovima?
Sto si mi zamaglio viziju, sto si me posjetio
kad sam zeljela letjeti solo?
..Napisala i umjetnicki se izrazila:
We are like waves, turning into mystery when we come across the problem that we are unfamiliar with. We close our eyes, keep our head down when we are walking. Sometimes we roll down unaware how to move forward. When we lift our head up, the problem become less complex as we find strengths to deal with the problem. With every waves our struggle became less complex..With every waves the stress became less serious, and has less impact on us..