
Jednom kad zatvoris oci, kad dopustis vatri da gori i toci svoj plamen preko noci po tvojim ramenima, kad spustis zar u kosu a ona zablista velicanstvenim sjajem… Ne neces se usuditi reci da je kraj…Kraj nije, nego je to novi pocetak.. Snovi sto su te progonili godinama, neobicnih boja, uzarenog plavetnila i okrutnog mora.. usidrili su se u kolijevci zagrljaja.. A zagrljaj nevidljiva omca oko vrata moga i tvoga, raste u svojoj velicini, pije zrnca sa izvora mladosti i toci kapi rosne.. pune radosti. A nebo je prekrilo sivilom svoj ovozemaljski svijet. Svaka jedinka sjetila se svog pocetka, svoje povijesti, odrastanja i skupila je te uspomene u zjenice oka svog. Ne, nije to kraj.. to je pocetak neceg novoga! ..Krik razbije tihu sutnju sto se uvila u nasa jutra, dotakne to vrelo mladosti, uspomene zaspale i prijatelje odlutale. Probudi i dotakne svakog, a plamen gori, tinja, zari i nece da stanje…odjednom kao da smo progledali.. vidimo se, volimo se, grlimo se, dijelimo riznice nasih uspomena i sjecanja.. dok se novo jutro budi i novi pocetak nosi u nasa ustajala vremena…

Deep down you know your real you, you are aware of who you are, know your wishes.. what you need is a confidence.. let’ s build that up…

You hold your light in your hands.. stay focused, enjoy the ride it will shine, it will keep you warm and safe, guiding you to the safety net!!!


Vrijeme bas prolazi.. eto kao da je jucer bilo.. a opet.. kao da je decenija prosla..Bila sam se bas naostrila kako cu ove godine posjetiti sva ta stara, draga mjesta.. izljubiti one drage ljude. A onima sto su otisli uputiti najtuznije i najtoplije pozdrave..Sila veca nego mi sami.. ne dozvoljava nam ni da se radujemo, tugujemo a jos manje da putujemo..Otvaramo srca kao sto se granice otvaraju.. pomalo, pa ih onda pazljivo zatvorimo da pregledamo kakav su nam krs napravila ta otvaranja u nama samima..Gledajuci ove slike.. mislim.. vrijeme je da promijenim nesto.. Vrijeme je da odgurnemo ono sto nas sputava, zakoracimo slobodnije u nova jutra.. Promjena je dobra.. ako mista drugo onda mogu bar promijeniti boju kose.. Do sljedeceg vidjenja..

Time is passing .. it's as if it was yesterday .. and yet again .. as if a decade has passed ..
I was was really excited to visit all those old, dear places this year ... to kiss those dear people.
And to those who left too early to send the saddest and warmest greetings ..
A force greater than ourselves .. does not even experience rejoicing, mourning and even stops us from traveling ..
We open our hearts as the borders are open ... a little, and then we close them carefully to examine what kind of cross the openings have made in ourselves ..
Looking at these pictures .. I mean .. it's time to change something .. So the change is coming, so I can at least change my hair color ..
See you the next time ..
The river of youth.. When you visit those places where you were young and free, the spirit of youth stays in your bones.. You walk along the river and you became free as river…


.Guram velike stvari u malu torbu, Mjerim vrijeme, mjesto, ljude, rijeci..Mjerim poglede. zagrljaje, poljupce..Visinu covijeka..Njegovu visinu u mojim ocima. Pitam se, covjece, zasto si malen i ponizan..? Tko ti je dodjelio status zrtve? Tko se poigrao sa tobom? Tko ti je zatvorio oci…Da je strah od rijeci nadvladao..? Sutis i slusas dok se svaki atom tvog tijela raspada dok i zadnja njena jedinka ne postane bezlicna masa! Sutis i upijas rijeci pogane..Rijeci se lijepe za tebe kao magnet..Sad si neiskusan, nevidljiv, smotan, jadan i neotopran na ljudski bijes..Bijes onih koji znaju kako velicati jedino sebe..Izabrali su ti status zrtve.. a prave se da su uz tebe., Dok ti se smiju u oci te gledajuA prazne rijeci iz njihovih usta izlaze.. .Te rijeci, velike, male, opake i snazne..Pune podrske i prikrivene logike…A ti sutis, uvucen u svoje oziljke. Tko moze reci da je njegov put ispravniji, bolji od tvog? Tko moze pruziti prst i velicati samo svoj dom?Zasto si postala sluga tih beznacajnih rijeci..Zasto sutis.. kad imas mnogo toga reci? Je si li sama izabrala zrtveni omoc oko vrata…A kad su te okrunisali.. ti pristala…Samo da bi negdje pripadala…Tisucu rijeci. milion izraza, milion bezlicnih likova Vrte se oko tvoje torbe pune uspjeha..Nemas snage da je otvoris i pokazes im tko si..Dali su ti naziv zrtve.. i ti i taj naziv ponosno nosis…Zasto si pristala da svezes ruke svoje? Da stavis maramu preko usta? Da svijet gledas kroz sklopljene oci? Zasto si dopustila da budes zrtva? Zasto? Da kukas, da molis, da places, da usporedjujes…Da vidis kako opaka rijec boli?U svakom pogledu ti nestanes, skrijes se i prestanes da postojis…A beznacajni likovi oko tebe se i dalje udizu rijecima tvojim, hvale se tudjim uspjesima..Nemaju vise ni razuma ni mjere..Daju savjete gdje ne treba..Ne postuju te…Prozdiru te pogledimaKao da si nepotreban….Uzvikuju naglas, Da je dobro sto si zrtva…. jer bas im takva zrtva treba..A ti.. ti se smijes naglas dok otvaras svoje koferce puno snova..I zakoracis u novi dan..


Life itself is not stopping as you are burning inside, when you take a left still stands by.. It does not matter if you are in pain, or forgotten, or will not stop.. it will continue to run and turn..

If you are burning inside, take a break to look in own eyes, feel the pain, address the misery and be aware that it could last for a while.. Do not be afraid of the current state, it will pass and reopen another healing state..there is always another door, another way to heal your pain..

Learn to accept, that you do not need to impress nobody, none..only self. Be truthful to your own reflection, embrace the surroundings, touch the roses, smell the rain, enjoy the view in front of you..

Take a break to feel that you are alive, capable of doing things right..So be at that stage that you not need to compare your life to any way. As you grow up, you learn how unique is your experience, keep it that way and share your view only with people that they truly care…about you!

Do not pretend, do not be a fake creature… be you and reach for stars…as more you lift your hand up..the stars became closer..

The window..

When you open the window you see different colours, you see the world shinny and rainy. You see the flaws and capabilities how they stand against each other. They are facing the world as it is full of ups and downs, disadvantages and opportunities. We all could look through that window. We all could open widely our eyes, and we would see the things differently. Every experience is unique..

Do not be afraid to open that window and face challenges, strength and life that is going around us. We need to be able to experience life as itself, not to go back to live in our shelves. We need see the life as it is and became part of it, part which is capable of storming out of the gathering where we are not feel loved and confident, to challenge other opinions if they make our own opinions to disappear. We need to be able to open our eyes and became aware of who we are, what we want, and gradually make those steps on our way to the success… Closing our eyes will not help. We will not be able to demonstrate a sunset, storm and current. We will be unable to fully see the colours unless we open our eyes and peek through that window of life..

Th picture of the world that you have, when you close your eyes; will stay with you, once you open your eyes and face your surroundings..

Every day could be seen as a new beginning, it is our gift. Close the eye and imagine the world full of roses. Open your eyes and face the roses…


There is only one way up, even if the path is narrow and rough.

On the other side kisses taste differently, roses smell as mornings,

rain stays longer and feels void, words could cover the pain of emptiness..

Step by step you are moving away, you are open to reach for stars,

you allow sun to touch your face, every step get you close to the mountain..

At the end it would be as you are reaching Mt. Everest

Unusual day..

Walking around the city Centre with a wish to go to the church and have a little pray. The day is muggy, cold and unusual in its own way. Not many people strolling around, it is quite and you have a new feeling walking like this, in this part of the town.

Coming to the church with desire, turn to despair as you not allowed to come near, the security guard has its own rule stop in you from peeking.

What could you do, you ask yourself? How many people have been in the protest because of the simple things like that? You are not sure, should you not care and continue to walk different way? Or should you stop and on your way allowing yourself to say, that it is not okay to treat people that way? Wherever you go there are people that will tell you what to do, when to do something and being you would it be enough just turn around and leave?

Unusual day

Moving slowly through life, crawling from frozen mornings, waking up and wishing that tomorrow will be better day. Night is already here, you are unable to move away,

You do not know where to go, in your ears you could hear a prayer song, that calls for peace and gathering. You stop in front of the cathedral noticing a thickened knot. You are aware that you need to pray, and it is only the way that you are able to pray. You have to know how to forgive to be able to give and love again ..With glimpse and cramp you turn around, you cannot get inside, as you have been told too often in the sentences that they were going around. You look inside and see a firmament. Various frescoes, carpets and paintings adorn it’s floor. With a bowed head you lead a way to home, praying to arrive well. You embrace with your gaze your dearest ones, and you said aloud …that there is nothing better than when is your family around..

Neobican dan.

.Ides nekako kroz zivot, vuces se kroz smrznuta jutra
Budis se sa zeljom da osvane ljepsi dan sutra,

A mrak je vec zahvatio i sela i grad. Nemas se gdje povuci, ne znas kud sad..U usima ti molitva zvoni, poziva ljude na mir i zbor,

Stanes ispred katedrale, a tamo ispred zadebljani cvor..Moras se pomoliti, da bi se mogao moliti. Moras znati oprostiti da bi ponovo mogao voljeti.
S grcom se okreces od svetog mjesta, ne mozes uci recenica je cujes cesta..Gledas unutra i vidis nebeski svod. Razne freske, tepisi i slike krase i njen pod..Pognute glave kuci podjes i molis se u sebi da sretno dodjes..Pogledom obuhvatis najmilije I kazes sebi nema nista ljepse od familije..


you…you have many ways to chose how to live your life, what to do, which path to follow .. whom you will take with you,,l

Close your eyes…

Sklopi oci…

Kad sklopis oci sto vidis,Uplasenu djevojcicu?Uznemirenu i zbunjenu, uhvacenu u vrtlogu,

Opsjednutu vjecitom borbom izmedju svijetla i mraka. Otrgnutu od gnijezda, umotanu u maglovitu postelju od zraka?Kad zatvoris oci sto vidis?Umornu mladu zenu, zbunjenu, izgubljenu u vremenu,Nenaviknutu na grubost, otupjelu na okrutnost,Slomljenog srca a strasti zeljnu?Kad sklopis oci sto vidis?Uplakanu staricu, spustene vjedje,Nenasminkano lice? Izborano?Umorno lice oziljcima iscrtano?Osmjeh bez topline,Rijeci bez vedrine?Ili izbodeno, slomljeno srce komadicima lazi sto su ostavile oziljke?Sto vidis?Trebaju li oci podignuti trepavice,Ugledati novi dan,Ili je tuga preteska.,Pa je bolje da citava prica ostane neispricana danas?!Nek’ ostane ova prica u nama!Nek bude to jedan san,A ti otvori oci jedino onda, kad te bude obasjao ljepsi dan..

Sunset…lost in thoughts. It is easy to be lost within yourself, when you are connected to the nature. Open your heart, close your eyes and let the sun to take you in the world where everything seems to be possible…