Kucica skrivena od pogleda
Skrivena od ljudi
Skrivena od bola
Skrivena od tuge,
Skrivena u sumi
Od zvukova
Od tragova
Od proklinjanja
Od ljubomore
Od vremena,
Od nemira,
Od rijeci
Jos uvijek stoji visoko
Ponosno cuva svoje korijene!
Skrivene u srcu
Negdje duboko dolje
Gdje rijec ne dolazi lako
A ljepotu njenu prepoznaje svatko..
A litlle cottage hidden from a view,
Hidden from people,
Hidden from pain,
Hidden from grief,
Hidden in the woods,
inaudibly hidden,
From sounds,
From traces,
From cursing,
Out of jealousy,
From time to time,
From unrest,
From the turbulent words,
It still stands high,
Alone and proud,
Preserving its roots,
Hidden in the heart of soul,
Somewhere deep down,
Where the word does not come easily,
But her beauty stands on its own,
recognized by everyone,
tales a tale of own.
the house is where family is,
gathered together,
captured by sunlight,
happy, sad, annoyed, frustrated, and comfortable and successful
surrounded by familiar faces of people that they know,
pulling the life itself from the smile of their souls…