Moving slowly through life, crawling from frozen mornings, waking up and wishing that tomorrow will be better day. Night is already here, you are unable to move away,
You do not know where to go, in your ears you could hear a prayer song, that calls for peace and gathering. You stop in front of the cathedral noticing a thickened knot. You are aware that you need to pray, and it is only the way that you are able to pray. You have to know how to forgive to be able to give and love again ..With glimpse and cramp you turn around, you cannot get inside, as you have been told too often in the sentences that they were going around. You look inside and see a firmament. Various frescoes, carpets and paintings adorn it’s floor. With a bowed head you lead a way to home, praying to arrive well. You embrace with your gaze your dearest ones, and you said aloud …that there is nothing better than when is your family around..
Neobican dan.
.Ides nekako kroz zivot, vuces se kroz smrznuta jutra
Budis se sa zeljom da osvane ljepsi dan sutra,
A mrak je vec zahvatio i sela i grad. Nemas se gdje povuci, ne znas kud sad..U usima ti molitva zvoni, poziva ljude na mir i zbor,
Stanes ispred katedrale, a tamo ispred zadebljani cvor..Moras se pomoliti, da bi se mogao moliti. Moras znati oprostiti da bi ponovo mogao voljeti.
S grcom se okreces od svetog mjesta, ne mozes uci recenica je cujes cesta..Gledas unutra i vidis nebeski svod. Razne freske, tepisi i slike krase i njen pod..Pognute glave kuci podjes i molis se u sebi da sretno dodjes..Pogledom obuhvatis najmilije I kazes sebi nema nista ljepse od familije..