Yesterday I was a child
tangled into a spiders web,
Unable to move,
It was my destiny to stay..
I stayed strong and tall
I fought the odds
I waited for sparks,
For sunshine,
I laughed so much
Before I opened my wings and learn how to fly.
Today I flew my nest going into unknown
Sacrificing things that I love,
For things that I need,
Giving the best of me to dearest of the dearest
To friends and family.
Keeping darkness away.
Life it is about meeting your needs with needs of others,
To learn how to fly without explanation,
Without saying why..
I have learnt that giving your best shot
You meet others halfway,
Sometimes you ask them to stay,
Sometimes you are happy when they move away.
Life as an unpredictable story
That needless to say,
Nobody has a cure, we all meet halfway..
Wisdom will be given and will teach you
To understand,
What you need to do,
when you decide to fly away,
To fight,
Or leave..
There is always a compromise
You need to learn how to turn a happiness key.
Tomorrow is around corner,
Standing strong and tall,
You ask for little, you received much more,
You remember present and past,
Glory and fights
You remember butterflies in your stomach,
Ladybug lost on your palm,
Flower and seeds,
Suddenly you know,
Life will just be,
The way it should be,
Your story is not told yet,
You ask self,
Who is holding a bucket,
Who could say,
Who could be direct?!
As the story unfolds in front your eyes,
You are aware that you need to start
To build a new story in your life.
Open that empty page and write.
The life itself is a mistery
build from past, present and future,
You know now that
Winking would help
When you are unsure,
Even if you are not told,
Keeping that peace with self,
You learn how to move on,
When you lost, upset and down,
You learn how to respect.
It will change the symmetry line,
It will change perspective
It will change your life,
Believe and try..