Zasto kriviti Boga? Ako je covjek i svjedok, sudac i krvnik
Ako je covjek odlucio
Nacin na koji ce da zivi?!
Bog nikom niti je oduzeo, niti zabranio
Da radi po volji..On od nas ocekuje da se trudimo..
Nadjemo snage biti bolji.
Nije ni vazno kako cemo Boga zvati, koji cemo mu nadimak dati,
on isitm jezikom prica sa svim nacijama i religijama,
koje su se uvukle u covjecanstvo, od dana naseg postanka..
Pa od nas samih traze razlike..I uce nas voliti pogresno.
Zasto kriviti Boga?
Pa nije on zamolio, ni pokrenuo, niti odobrio ratovima da se vode..
On je sjeme srece posadio, lijepu rijec i dah svima jednako podario,
Prvi uzdah poklonio.. A covjek se nasao uvrjedjen pa tjera po svome…
I nadje snage da okrivi Boga za svoje greske i padove.. Nije Bog taj sto pravi razlike u nama. Niti je on tu, da nam nam volju oduzima i slama..
Nije Bog sudac nas, niti neprijatelj, on je tu ako zelimo da nas izbavi iz zla i ruku mu pruzimo. Za Boga mi smo svi djeca ista,on nas voli sve jednako..
Pa to bi bilo kao da pitate majku, koje cedo bi izabralo, a koje ostavilo..Majka voli i ono dijete sto je pogrijesilo, i ono dijete sto ju je obradovalo.. Ako u svojoj dusi je cista..
Za ljubav majcinu sva njena djeca su ista,
U njenom zagrljaju mjesta uvijek ima i njezne rijeci, i toplog pogleda u njenim ocima. Tako je i na nebeskom svodu, Bog u svojoj basti i srcu ima mjesta za sve. Na nama je da odlucimo kako i gdje idemo,
s kakvim pogledom obuhvacamo svijet..
Why we accuse God of guilt? Why blame God? A man is a witness, a judge and an executioner. The man decided the way he will live, God neither took away nor forbade anyone to live as per own will.. He expects us to try, to find the strength to be better. It doesn't matter what we call God, it does not matter under which nickname he is around. He speaks the same language with all the nations and religions... that they have crept into humanity, from the first day of our existence.. They initiated differences .. And they teach us how not to love each other, or love wrongly. Why do we blame God? Well, he didn't ask, did not start, nor approved of wars to be fought .. He planted the seed of happiness, he shared sweat word and equally gave a gift of a first breath, The man found himself offended so he pushes on his own ... And yet, he found the strength to blame God for own mistakes and failures .. It is not God who makes us different, nor is he here, to take away our will, fights, hopes and straw .. God is not our judge, nor our enemy ... He's here if we want and need to be free from evil and give us a hand and hope, if we need support and to be taken care off. God sees us all as his children for him we are the same. He loves us all equally .. no question there. If you are questioning his love, it would be as if you are asking a mother which child she would pick and or leave to face uncertainty and fear.. The mother also loves her children equally, she loves the same the child who made a mistake and the child that provides her with happiness.. If the mother has a pure soul .. She loves all her children the same, providing them with a support, with a shoulder to cry, gentle words and a soft touch. They could always find a soft and warm look in her eyes.. So it is the same above in the firmament, God shares his love and has a space in his garden. In his heart there is room for everyone at the end, it is up to us to decide how, why and where we would go to start the new world and start to care..